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CAI video gallery

Shabbat Morning Services
and Sentencing Joseph's Brothers
December 23, 2023

A Year in Review at CAI - 2023

CAI Prayer Vigil for Israel - October 12, 2023

A Year in Review at CAI - 2022

Purim Spiels


Purim Spiel 5782/2022 - "Back to the Megillah"

Purim Spiel 5781/2021 - "Play it Again, Shloimi"

Honoring Rabbi Alan Silverstein


Rabbi Alan Silverstein Building Dedication
Sunday, June 13, 2021

Honoring Rita Silverstein
Shabbat Services
Saturday, June 12, 2021 

Rabbi Silverstein's Final Sermon 

Rabbi Lucas' Sermon and Tributes Honoring Rabbi Silverstein

Sam's Chug


Episode 1: Rosh Chodesh Sivan

Lost Episode 2: Yom Yerushalayim

Episode 3: Shavuot

Episode 4: Parashat Naso

Episode 5: Beha'alotecha

Episode 6: Shelach Lecha

Episode 7: Rosh Hodesh Tammuz

Episode 8: Chukat-Balak

Episode 9: Pinchas

Episode 10: Matot-Masei

Episode 11: Devarim

Episode 12: Tu B'Av

Episode 13: Season Finale

Holiday Special

Passover 2021/5781 Special

March 13,2025 /  13 Adar 5785