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social work services at cai


Andrea Malmud, LCSW
Partnership of the Zeller Family, 
Jewish Family Service of MetroWest, and the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest

Andrea Malmud is the consultant Social Worker at Congregation Agudath Israel. Initiated as a pilot program in 2007, the goal of the Partnership is to integrate mental health and social services support into the culture of the synagogue.

Her role is to provide consultation, training and direct social work services to the institution's entire synagogue community, including staff, lay leaders, volunteers and members. The types of services provided are for crisis intervention, time-limited counseling, case management, information and referral, mutual support groups (such as bereavement, caregivers, and single parent), and community education programs.

Through this affiliation, JFS is able to extend its professional resources to help CAI respond to an array of lifecycle needs expressed by their membership.

As the face of MetroWest, Andrea serves as a resource for all types of social work needs beyond the walls of the temple. 

Andrea's office hours at CAI are Mondays and Wednesdays, 9 am-3 pm. When she is not in the office, she checks her voice messages, 973-226-3600, x143. Contact Social Worker Andrea Malmud. 

It is important that you know all conversations and interactions are treated as private and confidential. Please do not hesitate to stop by her office to introduce yourself.

Social Worker

March 25,2025 /  25 Adar 5785