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The Main Office will be closed from 12:30-2:00 pm on Wednesday, Dec. 18.

The Main Office will be closed the week of the Christmas and New Year holidays. The office will be open regular hours on Monday, Dec. 23 (9:00 am-4:00 pm), will be closed starting Tuesday, Dec. 24, and reopen at 9:00 am on Thursday, Jan. 2. No emails will be sent during this time. Kiddush donations for the Shabbat of Dec. 27-28 must be received by 3:00 pm on Thursday, Dec. 19.

In the case of a life cycle emergency, please dial 973-226-3600 and press 6. The clergy will be on call.

WEDNESDAY, December 11 | 10 Kislev

7:00 am | Shacharit
 Join Here  Meeting ID: 958 825 213 | Passcode: Daven
9:30 am | Biblical Book of Psalms | Instructor: Rabbi Alan Silverstein
 Register Here 
10:00 am | Mitz and Mingle Cookie Bake for Religious School Parents (Baking)

Social Hall West Room/Dairy Kitchen   Register Here 
10:30 am | The Case for Israel | Instructor: Rabbi Alan Silverstein
Zoom   Register Here 
3:30 pm | Religious School 4th/6th Grades
Education Wing Classrooms
6:15 pm | Gesher and Bogrim (Middle and High School) Hanukkah Party
Youth Lounge 
 Register Here 
7:30 pm | Ma'ariv

Library/Zoom   Join Here  Meeting ID: 716 643 057 | Passcode: Daven
7:45 pm | Mitz and Mingle Cookie Bake for Religious School Parents (Decorating and Packing)
Social Hall West Room/Dairy Kitchen   Register Here 

THURSDAY, December 12 | 11 Kislev

6:45 am | Shacharit
 Join Here  Meeting ID: 958 825 213 | Passcode: Daven
9:30 am | The Jewish Ethics of War | Instructor: Rabbi Alan Silverstein
Zoom   Register Here 
Noon | TaNaKh | Instructor: Rabbi Ari Lucas

Zoom   Register Here 
Noon | ECC Early Dismissal (Traditional Program)

1:00 pm | ECC Early Dismissal (Extended Day)
1:30-8:30 pm | ECC Parent/Teacher Conferences

4:00 pm | Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World
Instructor: Nurse Karen Frank

Conference Room 1 | RSVP to
Nurse Karen Frank
7:30 pm | Ma'ariv

Library/Zoom   Join Here  Meeting ID: 716 643 057 | Passcode: Daven
8:00 pm | Book Talk with Author Joan Leegant | Download Flyer
Adult Lounge   Register Here 

FRIDAY, December 13 | 12 kislev

7:00 am | Shacharit
 Join Here  Meeting ID: 958 825 213 | Passcode: Daven
7:40 am | The Prayers Say That? An In-depth Look at What We Say and What We Can Believe
Instructor: Rabbi Richard Hammerman

 Join Here  Meeting ID: 958 825 213 | Passcode: Daven
10:00 am | Latke Making Werkshop | Instructor: Susan Werk
Social Hall West Room/Dairy Kitchen 
 Register Here 
10:30 am | Create for a Cause Special Event: Bead for Peace with Maya Bloom

Adult Lounge | RSVP to Caryn at
1:00 pm | Friday Coping Group | Instructor: CAI's JFS Zeller Family Social Worker Andrea Malmud
The online discussion will not be HIPAA compliant.
 Join Here  Meeting ID: 881 5643 4319
4:10 pm | Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat, and Ma'ariv, plus learning with Derek Fields

Chapel/Zoom   Join Here  Meeting ID: 846 9681 5710 | Passcode: Daven
4:12 pm | Candle Lighting
5:00 pm | Shabbat in Pajamas and Sweats
For nursery school age, K 1 and 2 families: Please join us for a child-friendly dinner of chicken nuggets, French fries and cucumbers. Dinner will be followed by a Shabbat service with Susan Werk.
Social Hall West Room   Register Here 


9:00 am | Shabbat Morning Services with Guest Speaker Shayne Cytrynbaum, Policy Co-Director of the Jewish Youth Climate Movement (JYCM)
Torah/Haftara Pages (PDF)
Sanctuary/Livestream   Watch Here 
9:00 am | Shabbat Parsha Class

10:15 am | Environmental Shabbat Teen Break-out Group Discussion with Shayne Cytrynbaum
CAI Youth Director Sam Lurie | Download Flyer
10:30 am | Torah Chug (3rd-6th Grades) | Instructor: Nancy Caplan
Education Wing Room 237

11:00 am | Torah for Tots (0-5 Years) | Instructor: Tal Wolf
Conference Room 3
11:00 am | Junior Congo (4th-6th Grade)
Education Wing Room 237

11:00 am | Shabbat Game Room (K-6th Grades)
Adult Lounge

11:00 am | Neshama Singers Adult Choir Singing
 Watch Here 

4:00 pm | Mincha, Talmud Study with Dr. Arnold Brenner, and Ma'ariv
Library/Zoom   Join Here  Meeting ID: 846 9681 5710 | Passcode: Daven

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15 | 14 Kislev

8:15 am | Talmud Study with Dr. Arnold Brenner
Library/Zoom   Join Here  Meeting ID: 998 400 755 | Passcode: Daven
9:00 am | Shacharit

Library/Zoom   Join Here  Meeting ID: 998 400 755 | Passcode: Daven
9:30 am | Religious School K-6th Grade Weekly/Monthly
Education Wing Classrooms

10:00 am | B'yachad with Brittany (Ages 2-4)
Education Wing Room 207

10:00 am | Shamayim Children's Israeli Dance Program
Adult Lounge

11:30 am | Holiday Wrap Party (K-5th Grades)
Indoor Playroom 
 Register Here 
3:30 pm | ECC Family Hanukkah Party

Social Hall   Register Here 
7:00 pm | The Laura Wetzler Band in Concert at CAI—Advance registration ends this Friday at noon!

Sanctuary   Register Here 

7:30 pm | Ma'ariv
Library/Zoom   Join Here  Meeting ID: 716 643 057 | Passcode: Daven


6:45 am | Shacharit
 Join Here  Meeting ID: 958 825 213 | Passcode: Daven
10:30 am | Joseph: A Look at Many Sources | Instructor: Rabbi Michael Monson
Adult Lounge 
 Register Here 
Noon | Looking at Banned Books Through a Jewish Lens | Instructor: Deborah Orens
Adult Lounge   Register Here 

7:30 pm | Ma'ariv
Library/Zoom   Join Here  Meeting ID: 716 643 057 | Passcode: Daven


7:00 am | Shacharit
 Join Here  Meeting ID: 958 825 213 | Passcode: Daven
3:30 pm | Religious School 3rd/5th Grades
Education Wing Classrooms

7:30 pm | Ma'ariv
Library/Zoom   Join Here  Meeting ID: 716 643 057 | Passcode: Daven

December 11,2024 /  10 Kislev 5785