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Audio Recorded Shabbat Sermons


"Leaning Into Israel" - Shemot 5783 - 1/14/2023

"Abortion and Reproductive Freedom" - Kedoshim 5782 - 5/7/2022

"Be Prepared and Fear Not" - Yitro 5782 - 1/22/2022

"Sickness is Not a Moral Failure" - Bo 5782 - 1/8/2022


"The Whole Truth?" - Vayehi 5782 - 12/18/2021


"Your Father Loves You" - Vayigash 5782 - 12/11/2021


"Light Inside and Out" - Vayeishev 5782 - 11/27/2021


"Overcoming Life’s Challenges with Love" - Vayeitze 5782 - 11/13/2021


"Say Little, Do Much" - Vayeira 5782 - 10/23/2021


"Kosher 'Pork'" - Noah 5782 - 10/9/2021


"Bezos, Yertle, and Moses" - Va'ethanan 5781 - 7/24/2021


"Getting Unstuck" - Passover Yizkor Sermon - 4/4/2021


"Babel, Ramses, and Mishkan" - 4/3/2021


"Ode to Gefilte Fish" - Passover Sermon 5781


"Ha Lahma Anya and Immigration" - Shabbat Hagadol 5781 - 3/27/2021


"A Blessing for the Vaccine - Vayechi 5781" - 1/2/2021


“Making Time for Sweetness - Ki Teitze 5780” -  8/29/2020


"Compassionate, Loving God - Sh'lah 5780" -  6/20/2020


"I Carry You in My Heart - Tetzaveh 5780" - 3/7/2020


“I Give Myself in Writing – Yitro 5780” - 2/15/2020


"Shoulder Burdens with Grace" - Sh'mot 5780 - 1/18/2020


"From No Place to God's Place" - B'har 5779 - 5/29/2019

The laws of the jubilee year offer a Utopian ideal of economic equality. Reflecting on the gift of philanthropist, Robert F. Smith to cancel the debts of Moorehouse College graduates and the Torah's laws, we have an opportunity to imagine the kind of society we want to build and ask ourselves about our responsibility to to help bring that reality about.


March 10,2025 /  10 Adar 5785