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The generosity of our members and friends ensures that Congregation Agudath Israel continues to offer all our exceptional programs and services, which make our community such a wonderful place to pray, to learn, and grow. 

You can support the CAI in many different ways…  
GIFTS OF CASH: This is the most common form of donation to CAl. Please mail your check, payable to CAI (Congregation Agudath Israel), 20 Academy Road, Caldwell, NJ  07006.   

CREDIT CARDS: Please make your contribution to CAI now via our secure on-line donation form. 

GIFTS OF SECURITIES: Instead of selling investments that have increased in value, you can consider contributing them to CAI to pay your synagogue membership dues or to make your CAI Annual Fund gift or other donation. By donating highly appreciated securities, which you have owned for at least one year and one day, you may be able to make a larger gift than otherwise possible and avoid capital gains taxes. In most instances, stocks can be simply transferred electronically from your account into one maintained by CAI.  

To notify CAI of your securities gift or to learn how to give a gift of securities to CAI, please contact our Finance Director, Carmela Decker at or 973-226-3600, ext. 112.

It is CAI’s policy to liquidate all donations as soon as they can be verified. The donor will be credited for the net proceeds from the donation towards their pledge.   

GRANTS FROM DONOR-ADVISED FUNDS: CAI is recognized as a public charity and, therefore, is eligible to receive contributions from donor-advised funds — such as The Jewish Communal Fund or The Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund. 

CORPORATE MATCHING GIFTS: Many companies offer employees the opportunity to double or even triple their contributions. Finding out if your employer has a matching gift program is easy: check this list and if your employer is listed, contact your HR department and submit your company’s online matching gift form. No matter if you write a check, make a credit card donation or donate securities, we will confirm your gift and complete your company’s form to increase the value of your gift. If you have not yet donated, but your employer matches charitable donations, please return to the CAI Annual Fund page to donate. A gift must be made before an employer will match your donation.  

LEGACY GIFTS: A legacy gift is any commitment that will be realized after-life and will benefit the CAI Endowment to anticipate the needs of future generations. Legacy gifts include bequests, designations from a 401(k) or other retirement plan, charitable gift annuities, life insurance policies, charitable remainder trusts, and charitable lead trusts. Many of these legacy gifts can be executed easily by adjusting your beneficiary designations or adding a simple codicil to your will. To make a legacy gift and to join the CAI Legacy Circle, please contact Steve Fichtenbaum via email at

Questions about the Annual Fund or making a pledge? Contact our  Development Committee at (973) 226-3600 or

March 13,2025 /  13 Adar 5785