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September 2017


One magnificent morning this summer, I had the privilege of watching the sunrise over the ocean in Old Orchard Beach, Maine at 5:15 am, 5:20 am, 5:25 am, I stood in awe as the bright blazing sun appeared over the horizon. I thanked God for the opportunity to watch this breathtaking event, and then I found myself humming an old Cat Stevens song; “Morning Has Broken”: “Praise with elation, praise every morning God's recreation of the new day.”

The cycle of the day, the months and the years, remind us that we indeed can take part in recreating God’s wonderful world.

Each year as we embark on a new school year, we think deeply about ways to recreate the wonderful world of our ECC. New programs, new events and new curriculum are designed to commit ourselves to the goals and the values of our school.

In our school, we look for ways to strengthen the homeschool connection. This year as we reenvision and recreate our program anew, we have instituted some new events designed to assure our families all feel the seamless bond between home and school.

Home Visits

For our youngest children, entering our twos programs, our fundamental goal as we start the year is establishing a trusting relationship. This year, we will begin to build that relationship through home visits. The purpose of a home visit is to give the children an opportunity to meet their teachers for the first time in their own setting, where they are the most comfortable and relaxed. When teachers visit children at home, it is our hope that it will be the start of a deep partnership. Teachers and parents will share mutual hopes, dreams and goals for the child and will build on that foundation throughout the year.

Holiday Boutique

Please mark your calendars for Sunday, November 5, when the ECC will host a holiday boutique at school. Unique vendors who offer appropriate and uncommon gifts will be on hand to support our families in making Chanukah shopping a pleasant experience for all. The event will be open to the public and we invite parents to bring friends and neighbors to experience a taste of what Agudath Israel has to offer.

Curriculum Nights

The more parents understand about our pedagogy and teaching approaches, the better they can support the learning and our goals for our students. This year, two evenings have been set aside to give an overview of curriculum and instruction; one night for Literacy Learning and one night for STEM Learning. A comprehensive and hands-on presentation on each of the evenings will help parents gain insight into our teaching methodology as well as learn ways to continue building on knowledge at home.

These are just some of the things planned as we continue to move our school forward and foster the homeschool connection. We are certain the children will show us their way and inspire us as we “praise every morning, God’s recreation of the new day.”

December 11,2024 /  10 Kislev 5785