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CAI Board of Trustees 2024-25


Executive Board

Matthew Fischer President

Debbie Rosen Executive Vice President
Tzedek Initiative Chair

Dorie Eisenstein Vice President

Daniel Fishman Treasurer

Lisa Mechanick Secretary 

Jordan Shumofsky Vice President
Development Committee Chair

Scott Reiser Vice President
House, Grounds, and Security

Seth Fliegler Financial Executive

Shani Drogin Counselor
​​​​​​​Development Committee Chair


Yaron Ashkenazi Technology

Ellen Berkowitz

Carrie Bobroff

Arthur Bocian

Stephanie Bonder Israel Committee Chair

Sarah Fainshtain ECC Parent Committee Chair

Arthur Franklin Cemetery Assoc. President

Sharon Hammerman Sisterhood President

Jacqueline Haney
Mission Statement Task Force Chair

Burt Henry

Adam Kaufman
House, Grounds, and Security Chair


Joseph Kelmanovich Men's Club President

Morris Lewis Tzedek Initiative and
Mission Statement Task Force Chair

Mark Lipsy Environmental Committee Chair

David Rubenstein

Adam Shandler

Eric Sobel

Aaron Solomon

Ofer Steinberg

Elliot Tobin

Seth Weisleder

Scott Wormser Marketing Committee Chair

Sharon Zucker


CAI Presidents

Mr. Joseph Bloom 

Mr. Harry Berenblum 

Mr. Harry Goodwin

Mr. Herman Chivian

Dr. Harry Halprin

Mr. Benjamin Speigel

Mr. Robert Horowitz

Mr. Emanuel Goldblatt

Mr. Harry Brochstein - Honorary

Mr. Louis Fain - 2 Terms

Mr. Nathan Honig

Mr. David Malovany

Mr. George Kaplan

Mr. Charles Malovany

Dr. Merrill Stern

​​​​​​​Mr. Samuel Klein

Mr. Norman Ripps

Mr. Stanley Kagan

Mr. Lew Krever

Mr. Irv Benedon

Mr. Arthur Sherman

Mr. Irwin Kapin - Honorary

Mr. Nat Taubenfeld

Dr. Barry Bochner

Mr. Mel Hollander

Mr. Arthur Schwartz

Mr. Mayer Kass

Mr. Joel Reiser

Dr. Aaron Shinbein

Mrs. Julia Ripps

​​​​​​​Mr. Ned Gladstein

​​​​​​​Mrs. Eileen Fishman

Mrs. Irene Edelstein

Mr. Larry Raiken

Mr. Ira Rosenbloom

Mr. Stuart Rabner

Mr. Michael H. Simon

Mr. William Lipsey

Mr. Stuart Berger

Ms. Esther Kartus

Mr. George Greene - Honorary

Mr. Ted Eisenberg

Mr. Adam Shandler

Mr. Victor Nhaisi

Mrs. Gayle Wieseneck

Mrs. Shani Drogin


CAI Board of Trustees Information and Documents

Congregation Agudath Israel of West Essex thanks you for serving as a part of our community. 

Congregation Agudath Israel of West Essex Bylaws

Congregation Agudath Israel of West Essex Constitution


March 13,2025 /  13 Adar 5785