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Bar/bat Mitzvah Date Selection Form

Dear Parents,

Mazal Tov on your child becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in 2028!

Thanks for reading the information packet first. Once you've read that, on the form below, please choose the type of service you would like to have and when you'd like the service to be, giving at least three possible dates if you can. Deciding between more than one type of service? Select your first choice, then tell us about any other possibilities you'd like to explore in the "comments" field. Additionally, let us know any dates surrounding your child's birthday when you would NOT like to have your service, or any other details you'd like us to know in the "comments" field.

Please submit the form below by Wednesday, March 19, 2025.

Note 1: Remember, by Jewish law, boys may not use a date before their 13th Hebrew birthday, but girls may.

Note 2: Some of the services below are first assigned based on your child's birth date. Some aren't tied to your child's birth date.

Thank you,
Cantor Joel Caplan

(If you are unsure, please use the Hebcal Date Converter.)
(This helps us avoid potential date conflicts.)

Tell us the date you'd like. It doesn't have to be near your child's birthday. 50-minute service.
This service would occur between 2:30-4:30 pm, and it may not be available in November and December. Includes Torah reading. Tell us the date you'd like—it doesn't have to be near your child's birthday. 45-minute service.
November-December Saturday night, after Shabbat ends. 6:00 pm or later, with no Torah reading. 45-minute service. Parents generally pick this only if they want the November-December service to end at 5:30 or later.
Sunday morning when the Torah is not read: 10:30-11:30 am (or earlier, if you'd like). The date you pick doesn't have to be near your child's birthday. 50-minute service.
If this is what you are picking, you will first be assigned a Shabbat closely following your child's birthday. Then, if you want something else, let's talk. Three-hour service.
Shabbat afternoon/evening, between 5:00-7:30 pm (or, in Noevember-December, start time is about 4:15 pm). Includes Torah reading. If this is what you are picking, you will first be assigned a Shabbat closely following your child's birthday. Then, if you want something else, let's talk. Service is 45-60 minutes.
Sunday/weekday when the Torah is read (see page 7 of the information packet). Since many families ask for these Sunday/weekday dates, there might be two morning services on the date you want. Assignment preference generally goes to the child with the closest birthday, or, if you are having your reception in the Synagogue, tell us in the comments box on this form. You may get preference in determining the time of your service.

(Dates to avoid or additional information we should know.)


We, the parents, understand that we will not yet be guaranteed any date, but that you'll do your best, given limitations of Hebrew birthdays, clergy vacation, and the needs of other CAI member families.    

We understand that services other than on Saturday morning incur an additional $500 security/maintenance charge, while families choosing Saturday morning generally help pay towards the congregational Kiddush. Additionally, we understand that a deposit fee of $500 is required in order to hold the date.


March 4,2025 /  4 Adar 5785